Friday, March 14, 2014

Back in Time

A trip to Capernum brought us back in time. The excavation of this site brought us back to the time when Christ walked the earth. Below are the ruins of homes in Capernum.
Christ walked these streets and entered these building. Below is the excavated fourth century version of the temple in Capernum where they rejected Jesus. Under this temple is the actual temple where Jesus taught. From the side of the building you can see the stones of the old temple. If the walls could talk, what stories would they tell?
A new church has been built over the house of Simon Peter. In this image you can see the rounded house that is Simon Peter's house to the left in the middle. Around it you see two octagonal temples, built to acknowledge the original house. Finally you see at the top of the photo the floor of the new church.

St. Peter towers over the square adjacent to his house.
It is remarkable to acknowledge that we walked on the same ground that people from bible stories walked two thousand years ago.

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